Lead Provider Integration
Posting Instructions:
Fields are to be posted the the URL specified below. A successful response will be our unique lead number assigned to that lead. A failed reponse will list the error that occurred, please correct and re-post.

Pay 4 Performance Marketing will provide you with the provider_id field. You will provide us with the mover_id field, which is a unique value you have assigned to identify our mutal client.

Posting URL:


Fields and Values:
Field Required Type Notes
provider_id Yes Alpha(20) Provided by us to the lead provider. For testing purposes you will be provided this information
lead_provider_ref Yes Numeric(20) Provider’s lead ID
mover_id Yes Alpha(100) Provider’s mover ID
move_date_month Yes Numeric(2) Value Range:1-12
move_date_day Yes Numeric(2) Value Range:1-31
move_date_year Yes Numeric(4) 4 digit year
lead_name_first Yes Alpha(50) First Name
lead_name_last Yes Alpha(50) Last Name
lead_phone1 Yes Numeric(3) First 3 numbers in phone number (123-555-1000)
lead_phone2 Yes Numeric(3) Middle 3 numbers in phone number (123-555-1000)
lead_phone3 Yes Numeric(4) Last 4 numbers in phone number (123-555-1000)
lead_altphone1 No Numeric(3) First 3 numbers in alternate phone number (123-555-1000)
lead_altphone2 No Numeric(3) Middle 3 numbers in alternate phone number (123-555-1000)
lead_altphone3 No Numeric(4) Last 4 numbers in alternate phone number (123-555-1000)
lead_busphone1 No Numeric(3) First 3 numbers in work phone number (123-555-1000)
lead_busphone2 No Numeric(3) Middle 3 numbers in work phone number (123-555-1000)
lead_busphone3 No Numeric(4) Last 4 numbers in work phone number (123-555-1000)
lead_email Yes Alpha(75) Email Address
lead_from_add1 No Alpha(100) Origin Address Line 1
lead_from_add2 No Alpha(100) Origin Address Line 2
lead_from_city No Alpha(100) Origin City
lead_from_state No Alpha(2) North American state code. List
lead_from_country Yes Alpha Must be ‘US’ or ‘CA’
lead_from_postal Yes Alpha(10) Origin Postal Information
lead_appartment No Numeric(1) 0-House, 1-Appartment
lead_from_elevator No Numeric(1) 0-No elevator, 1-Origin residence has access to an elevator
lead_from_longload No Numeric(1) 0-N/A, 1-Long distance loading required at origin
lead_from_stairs No Numeric(2) Flights of Stairs
lead_num_bedrooms No Numeric(2) # Bedrooms
lead_num_rooms No Numeric(2) # Rooms in residence
lead_lbs Yes Numeric(10) Total weight of the move
lead_cu No Numeric(10) Total cubic feet of the move
lead_sqft No Numeric(7) Total sq.ft of the residence
lead_storage_type No Numeric(1) 0-None required, 1-Short Term, 2-Long Term
lead_to_add1 No Alpha(100) Destination Address line 1
lead_to_add2 No Alpha(100) Destination Address line 2
lead_to_city No Alpha(100) Destination City
lead_to_state No Alpha(2) Destination State. Only required for US & CA
lead_to_country Yes Alpha(2) Destination Country. List
lead_to_postal Yes Alpha(10) Destination Postal Information
lead_to_elevator No Number(1) 0-No elevator, 1-Destination residence has access to an elevator
lead_to_longload No Number(1) 0-N/A, 1-Long distance loading required at destination
lead_to_stairs No Numeric(2) Flights of Stairs
lead_notes No Alpha(1000) Other notes
appointment_preference No Date
eg. 2023-12-31 23:15:15
NOTE: 24-hour format
Please notify support before using this field.
estimate_given No Decimal eg. 10000.00
Please notify support before using this field.
appointment_type No Numeric
  1. Home
  2. Phone
  3. Video

Please notify support before using this field.
lead_dnc No Numeric
  • 0 -> No
  • 1 -> Yes

Please notify support before using this field.



// use this for live site (https)
$strServer = ‘https://www.p4pmarketing.com/lead_provider/new_lead.php’;
// use this for dev site
$strServer = ‘https://dev.p4pmarketing.com/lead_provider/new_lead.php’;

$arrPostVars = array(
‘provider_id’ => ‘1-0’,
‘mover_id’ => ‘EXAMPLEPOST’,
‘lead_name_first’ => ‘DO NOT’,
‘lead_name_last’ => ‘CALL!!!!!’,
‘lead_provider_ref’ => ‘YourInternalID’.time(),
‘lead_phone1’ => ‘905’,
‘lead_phone2’ => sprintf(“%003d”, rand(0,999)),
‘lead_phone3’ => sprintf(“%0004d”, rand(0,9999)),
‘lead_phone_ext’ => ‘111’,
‘lead_email’ => ‘p4ptestlead’.time().’@p4pmarketing.com’,
‘move_date_year’ => date(‘Y’),
‘move_date_month’ => date(‘m’, time() + rand(0,10000000)),
‘move_date_day’ => date(‘d’, time() + rand(0,1000000)),
‘lead_from_add1’ => ‘123 Test Ave.’,
‘lead_from_add2’ => ‘Appt 234’,
‘lead_from_postal’ => ‘90210’,
‘lead_from_city’ => ‘Beverley Hills’,
‘lead_from_state’ => ‘CA’,
‘lead_from_add1’ => ‘454 Test Ave.’,
‘lead_from_add2’ => ‘Appt 555’,
‘lead_to_postal’ => ‘10001’,
‘lead_to_state’ => ‘NY’,
‘lead_to_city’ => ‘New York’,
‘lead_num_rooms’ => 10,

$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $strServer);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $arrPostVars);

//Optional: use
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(‘Content-Type:application/json’));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($arrPostVars));

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 60);

$strResponse = curl_exec ($ch);
$info = curl_getinfo($ch);

curl_close ($ch);

// this is if the response is JSON (will be JSON if you send JSON)
if (preg_match(“/^\{/”, $strResponse)) {
$arrJSON = json_decode($strResponse);
echo “code: “.$arrJSON[‘code’].”<bR />\n”;
echo “error: “.$arrJSON[‘error’].”<bR />\n”;
echo “lead id: “.$arrJSON[‘lead_id’].”<bR />\n”;
// this will be plain HTML (if you do not send JSON)
} else {
// This should be a valid Lead ID
if (preg_match(“/^\d+$/”, $strResponse)) {
echo “Valid lead id: $strResponse<bR />\n”;
} else {
echo “Error: $strResponse<br />\n”;



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Net;
using System.IO;
using System.Net.Http;

namespace ConsoleApplication4
class Program
private static readonly HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
static void Main(string[] args)
static async Task RunAsync()
using (var client = new HttpClient())
var values = new Dictionary
{ “provider_id”, “1-0”},
{ “mover_id”, “EXAMPLEPOST”},
{ “lead_name_first”, “DO NOT” },
{ “lead_name_last”, “CALL!!!!!'” },
{ “lead_provider_ref”, DateTime.Now.ToString() },
{ “lead_phone1”, “519” },
{ “lead_phone2”, “111” },
{ “lead_phone3”, “2222” },
{ “lead_phone_ext”, “111” },
{ “lead_email”, “none@p4pmarketing.com” },
{ “move_date_year”, “2017” },
{ “move_date_month” , “12” },
{ “move_date_day” , “15”},
{ “lead_to_postal” , “77001” },
{ “lead_to_state” , “AL” },
{ “lead_to_city” , “A” },
{ “lead_from_postal”, “90210”},
{ “lead_from_city”, “A” },
{ “lead_from_state”, “AL” },
{ “lead_num_rooms”, “10” },


var content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(values);

var response = await client.PostAsync(“http://devel.p4pmarketing.com/lead_provider/new_lead.php”, content);

var responseString = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();


FIDDLER (composer)


User-Agent: Fiddler
Host: devel.p4pmarketing.com
Content-Length: 141
Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


Add the rest of the fields as necessary (address, city, state, country, phone #s, etc)


Moving company locations served


Video surveys annually


Annual client retention


  • I love having P4P on our team. It’s like having your own high end telemarketing department but without the payroll, hiring and managing issues that go along with it.

    Steve Eschbacher, Suddath Relocation

  • I have used P4P’s appointment scheduling program for several years now, with good success. Whether used full time or as a supplement to an existing in-house effort, I find their service consistently achieves higher overall lead to appointment results, and in turn sales.

    Jeff Newcomer, Vice President, Agency, Sales & Recruiting, Arpin Van Lines